The Price Tab Follow
The Price tab is where you add details about the price(s) of your titles. You can see in the image below that you may have sub tabs here if you've merged the content for several formats. In our example, we are working on the HB edition of a title that has many other formats.
Initial Information:
Before you can start differentiating the various prices your title is available in, you need to complete the following initial information.
- You must select a Publishing status from the drop-down menu. This is in addition to the Availability Status already completed within the Publication Tab. For titles that are not yet printed, you should allocate 'Forthcoming,' but please note that this will trigger the system to request a shipping date. We advise that you put this field as two months ahead of publication date.
- The Publication date is shown on the right-hand side of the screen for reference and can only be changed within the Publication Tab.
Supplier Data:
You will probably have a number of distributors who supply your titles to various regions of the world. Here is where you will specify what those regions and prices are. We suggest that you begin first with your home market.
- Choose Supplier/Distributor from the drop-down menu. The names found in this drop-down menu need to be added first in Organisation admin. If you click on the small symbol
, you will be able to see the price history, and if you have stock recorded, a graph of stock movement will also appear on your screen.
- If you click on the planet symbol, you will be able to update the information related to the Supply Regions.
- You may want to specify an on-sale date - think of this field as an embargo date. Click on the little blue arrow beside the expected ship date circled in the image below and this field will come up.
By clicking that arrow, the fields will expand and you can then add your on-sale date.
Now you are ready (and required) to add details about the prices that this supplier will be distributing. In our example, we have separated out the prices that our Local Distributor will be supplying as separate from our Overseas Distributor:
- Price Type: This relates to the ONIX coding for the price record, enabling you to specify if the price is inclusive or exclusive of tax. This field is mandatory. Here is some guidance regarding the UK market as an example.
- Currency: Choose the relevant currency from the drop-down menu.
- RRP: This is your retail price.
- Tax rate: This will be contingent on the country in which the title is being sold. Here is information about adding tax rates to this drop-down menu.
- Web fields: You will need these fields if your Stison Title Management module supplies data to your company website. The information is automatically added when you input the RRP.
- If you need to add a mixed product tax rate (for instance your book has a CD with it), click on the blue add mixed product tax rate, marked with the green square in the image above. Please note that this button is only available when working with price type 02.
You can have several different prices and price types depending on dates, discount, tax, currencies etc. If you need more price types under this supplier record, click on Add another price. Please note that if you do so, the system will assume that the supplier listed above is distributing to those areas with those prices. To delete a row click on the bin symbol in front of the row you wish to delete.
- If your title is unpriced, click on the Unpriced? option, marked in the purple square in the image above. When the Unpriced? button is clicked, you will then asked to select from the drop-down menu the relevant Unpriced Item type:
There is also an opportunity to show more filters by clicking the blue arrow [marked with a small red circle in the image below].
The following fields will become available:
- Price Type Qualifier: Some publishers may have more than one price in the same market. In our example above, we've added a 'library' price, marked in the big red oval. Bear in mind that the default Price Type Qualifier is 'consumer', and so even if you don't specify which one is the consumer price, as shown in the first red oval at the top of the image, the system will automatically default to it within your ONIX coding anyway.
- Price Type Description: Use a description that makes sense to your colleagues.
- Countries Included/Territory: Specify the country/territory where this specific price qualifier is being sold.
- Tax Rates: are a drop-down option; before this is made available you will need to create them. This can be done within the Tax rates screen under the General menu section.
Once you are finished inputting in all of the information for the supplier you've just added, click Update to save your work.
Adding More Suppliers:
You can add as many suppliers as you wish for each title. To do so, click on the blue text: Add another supplier / distributor and a new section of supplier fields will become available in a new grey box. In our example below, we've shown you an example of an 'Overseas Distributor' as separate from our 'Local Distributor' shown earlier in the article. Here we've specified the US price.
It is also possible to set restrictions against the supplier by clicking on the world icon marked in the image below by a red circle:
The following pop up will appear, enabling you to record the relevant sales rights related to that supplier. By default, World rights are allocated to each supplier.
When you are finished, click the blue Update button to save the information. At this point, you've completed all of the mandatory information needed for the pricing of the title through all supply routes.
Further Information
Beside the Price tab is another tab called Released. Here is where you can store specific information related to rights and release dates within specific markets. Please note that this information does not get filtered out in ONIX, but will instead provide a record of information for future queries.
- Holding Reason: this drop-down menu is populated via Rights -> Rights Descriptions.
- Clicking on the blue Territory will allow you to switch to Country and vice versa.
- To add more, click on Add another release.
- Click on the Update button to save your work.
Recording Stock:
It is possible to record the stock of the title that is held by each supplier, and the price tab is where this information will be held. You can bulk upload stock levels yourself, or this can be processed automatically. You will need to speak with Stison about this.
Market Detail:
If you want to add details related to a market, click on the blue tab labelled Market Detail and new fields will show up on your screen, as shown here.
- If you want to choose a name from your Contacts, click on the looking glass symbol and you will be able to taken to your full list of contacts.
- The data fields are self explanatory. Fill them in where relevant. To clear data, click on the "-" sign in blue circles.
Click on the Update button when you are finished.
Tips & Trick
You can upload and edit prices in bulk via spreadsheet upload, our guidance on which can be found here.
For out more general guidance on Bulk Uploading Bibliographic Data, please see here.
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