The Book List Follow
To access your titles in Title Manager, you will click on Books in the main left-hand menu. This is where you will see a complete list of your active books, as shown in the screen shot below.
If a title has Open Access content within it (either the whole product, or one product form), an open padlock symbol will display as shown here:
There are three key components to this screen: Searching, Filtering and Actions. Each of these is detailed below.
The total number of titles on your system is displayed under the Records Found heading. In the sample above, the system has 40 titles on it.
1. Searching
- To search for a title manually, type the name into the Search for box and click Go.
- To round up a specific set of titles on the screen, click on the Advanced Filters button. A new window will pop up with the option to Select Filters to apply. Choose accordingly.
- Custom Columns: To add or remove columns from your screen, click on Columns. Choose the relevant item from the drop-down menu and a new column reflecting the data will be added. You can also change the sequence of the columns by dragging the cross icon up and down.
- Custom Query: This will allow you to choose the columns you wish to see and add what restrictions you wish to place on the data. You will be able to choose what constraints are applied across the query with drop downs on greater than, less than, equals, contains etc.
2. Actions
- To add a column of cover images, click on the first button: Show Icons, as shown below. To remove this column, click on Hide Icons.
- Removing Titles: After ticking the titles you want to remove from the system, click on Remove Selected. If the publication date is less than 3 months in the future, the titles will be archived instead of deleted, as the system assumes you have already sent the records to the biblio agencies. To achieve Nielsen’s Gold Standard, you must submit your title records a minimum of 12 weeks ahead of pub date, bearing in mind that most wholesalers and retailers expect title information 6 months ahead of pub date. For more information about why you need to archive titles on your Title Manager system.
- To view titles that were removed from the publication schedule for any number of reasons, click on Show Archived. To return to your full title list, click on Show Active.
- After manually clicking on the boxes beside a set of titles, click on Show Currently Selected and a list reflecting those specific titles will come up on the screen.
- Hidden titles can be viewed by selecting the show hidden button on the top menu bar indicated in point two above.
- To create a new title record, click on Create New. This will take you to a new screen where you can start creating a new tile.
- Generating an AI
- ONIX: clicking onto this item will generate a single title's ONIX message into your download's folders. More information about ONIX.
- Merging or splitting related titles
- Uploading data in bulk
- Downloading data in bulk from your Stison system
3. Editing A title
- You can adjust the order of the books as they appear in the list by clicking on the column heading, for example: Title; this will reverse the order of alphabetisation.
- To amend the information of a book already on your system, click on the title name and make changes to the fields where appropriate. Always ensure that you click Update to save your changes.
4. Adjusting the status of a title
You can also quickly change the status of a title using the traffic lights.
They work as follows, starting from the left:
- Included in onix
- Show on web
- Bestseller
- Show in title management
As you will be sending out ONIX messages from your Stison system, it is particularly important that you use these traffic lights to determine the status of your titles. We strongly advise against deleting titles from your catalogue, because without them, you cannot engage with previously submitted data before the title was removed.
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