Archiving, deleting and hiding books in Title Manager Follow
You may want to remove a title from your Title Management module because it has been cancelled, because it's been made Out of Print, etc and you don't need to view its title record anymore.
Before we go through the process of archiving, deleting or hiding a title, it is important to first understand how the Stison system works overall - what causes a title to be archived VERSUS deleted. This is all based on publication dates.
If a title is not yet published, and the publication date is three months ahead of the date on which you've accessed the system, then it can be deleted altogether. If a title is under three months ahead of publication date and/or already published/in print, then you won't be able to delete it at all. You will only be able to archive the book.
In the screenshot above, we have highlighted the Remove Selected button, which you will need to click once you have ticked the title(s) you want to remove from your Book List.
Please note that there are two ways of removing titles from this list:
Archiving Titles:
If a title has passed it's publication date, then it can no longer be deleted from the Stison system. This is because the title record will have already gone out via ONIX, and so the title exists within online retailers, etc. Once you have updated the Publishing Status and Product Availability to reflect that the title is no longer available, you can then archive the title.
Once you click on the Remove Selected button, the title(s) will automatically be moved off the Book List.
Title(s) will then be stored in the Archived section of the system which can be accessed here:
NB that it is possible to cheat the system into thinking the pub date is more than 3 months ahead of schedule by simply changing the publication date, clicking Update and then going back in to delete the title. Please note that we DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS IS DONE because you will have already sent out your file in your normal ONIX feeds, so deleting the title without archiving it will confuse matters.
If you have archived a title and you decide subsequently to unarchive it, navigate to the ISBN tab of the relevant title record and untick the item we've circled in the image below:
Deleting Titles:
If you want to delete a title that has not passed it's publication date, you need to follow the same instructions as above. The system will understand that as the publication date is in the future, the title can be fully deleted from the system. As mentioned above, though, please note that it will only be possible to delete it altogether from your system if it is more than 3 months ahead of publication date.
Hiding Titles:
You may decide that you don't want to Archive or Delete a title, but that you simply want to Hide it from your user interface. This is relevant for titles you're making out of print, for instance, which you'd be better to hide rather than to archive. This is because archiving a title will send a 'deleted' tag to your bibliographic aggregators in ONIX to remove the title altogether from their database. This may not be what you want, and so we suggest you hide the title instead.
There are to ways to hide a title:
- Toggle over to the traffic lights beside the title's name on the main booklist and make sure to change the final traffic light to red. If you hover your mouse over the item, you will get a message that says: "Show in title management by default."
- Check on the relevant title(s) and then click on the blue Hide Selected button towards the top of the screen.
Please note that if you or anyone else accessing the system then subsequently downloads data from your Stison Title Manager module, all hidden titles will appear on the list. If this is not what you want, then it is suggested that you archive the titles instead.
Once you've finished hiding the relevant titles, you may find in the future that you would like to unhide them. In order to do this, navigate back to the main Book List in your Title Manager system. Click onto the blue Show Hidden button located towards the top of your screen. Locate the relevant title(s) and tick on the 4th traffic light. When you hover over it, it will read: "show in title management by default". Click onto that traffic light, turning it green, as shown below:
When you then move back into the Book List, those titles will now be available for you to view.
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