Add a subject to a title Follow
A title can belong to multiple Subjects and multiple Themes, and there are two ways that you can add a title to either method of categorisation. These are detailed below:
1. Via the Title record:
Navigate to Title Management/Books on the left hand menu, then select the Title you wish to edit by clicking on its name.
From the tabs at the top, choose the Subject tab.
Scrolling down to the bottom of this tab you will see two section as per the image below:
The drop down list will be pre-populated with the list of of subjects and themes that you have previously setup. See Setting Up Categorisations Select one from the list.
If you wish to add a further subject then you can click on the Add another subject (or theme) line and another box will be created for you.
Once you have added the relevant subjects and themes then click Update and the record will be saved.
2. Via the Subject or Theme:
Navigate to Title Management -> Categorisation -> Subject{Theme} menu.
Select the relevant subject or theme.
From there you will be able to add titles to the category you have chosen, as shown in the following screenshot:
Clicking on the Magnifying Glass Icon will allow you to search your title list.
Clicking Add another book will bring up a new box.
Once you have added the relevant titles to your subject or theme, click Update and the record will be saved.
Please also note that if you end up going back into your Categories Admin to change any previously established categories (eg to change Global Warming titles to Climate Change titles), all titles already allocated the original category/theme/subject will be updated on the system.
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