The Forms Tab Follow
The forms tab is where you will specify the various formats/ bindings available for a particular title, such as Hardback, Paperback and Ebook. There are four sub tabs:
Product Forms:
- Form: Choose the appropriate item from the drop-down menu. You will notice some of the fields might change depending on what you select. This change reflects the valid elements for that product type, ie: for an Electronic Book Text, an Epublication Type classification [PDF, Epub, etc] is expected. Audio products will enable the Content Type fields & DVD products will enable the Region field.
- Product Form Detail: enables you to provide further details about the format from a list of provided information
- Additional Information: This is a free text field.
Adding More Formats:
Click Add another product form, noting that doing so will automatically begin a new title record from within the Book List. Much of the information already added for the original edition will populate the data for subsequent formats of the same content id. You will know when to fill in data separately for each edition because a set of tabs, each labelled with a different ISBN, will start appearing as you move forward through the Books tabs. Further information is available regarding merged titles.
Deleting a Format:
As each format appears as its own title record within the system, you will need to delete a formate by:
- Navigating to the main Book List.
- Clicking the box beside the relevant title
- Clicking on the Remove Selected button
- Click Update when you are finished in this tab.
There are a set of further sub tabs available to you, and they are as follows:
The Contained Items
This area should be used for mixed media products or quantity packs. This allows you to specify what products are included in the item, for instance a book with two CDs.
If you are looking to specify the number of pieces in, for example, a CD-Audio, this is done on the Publication Tab.
Add individual lines (by clicking on Add another contained item) for each item within the product and then fill in the fields for each:
- Product Form*: Choose the relevant item from the drop-down menu.
- Product Detail and Additional Description: These fields enable you to be more specific with the production information. Click on the Paperclip Icon to link the product to a book.
- Number of Pieces: This is relevant when you have more than 1 of the same item in a mixed media product. For instance, if you had a book with 2 CDs, then you would add the figure for the CDs. If you have 1 book and 1 CD, then you should leave this field blank.
- Pack Quantity: This is the number of copies of the specified item contained in a pack. It is relevant for counter packs and retail packs containing a number of copies of the same item or a quantity of each of two or more different items (such as a dump bin carrying copies of two different books, or a classroom pack containing a teacher's text and twenty student texts).
- ISBN13: Each item within the mixed-media product should have its own ISBN13 entered - if each contained product has an ISBN13.
Note: Click on the paperclip icon to link a contained item to a book.
Click Update when you are finished.
Further Product Details:
This sub tab provides space for further details regarding the form of a product, such as word counts/text length, total numbered pages, total absolute pages, etc.
They are organised under the following headings:
- Extents
- Product Classification
- Product Form Feature
If you click onto Extents, you will be given a menu with more options related to extents. The most commonly needed include Text length (characters or words), Total numbered pages and Absolute page count. You need to complete the fields for Value and Unit once you've decided the Extent Type you will add.
Clicking onto Classification Type will enable you to select further categorisation, including a category specific to your organisation. We've highlighted it below.
Finally, if you click onto Product Form Feature, you will be able to provide more specific details regarding the production features of the book, such as: Binding or Page Edge Colour. This field also enables you to provide detail on E-publication accessibility, and 'Green' Metadata.
Click Update when you are finished adding the data.
POD Details
Here is where you can specify all of the information/data related to the Print on Demand version of the text.
Click Update when you are finished, and continue to the ISBN tab for further information.
Tips & Tricks
The information stored under the 'Product Forms' sub-tab can be uploaded in bulk. For our guidance on this, see this here and here.
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