Bulk Uploading Additional Forms to Existing Titles Follow
This page is intended to provide specific detail on one particular type of upload. For our general guidance on the upload process, please see this page.
You may find that you wish to add forms to existing titles, for example if you were to create Ebooks or Audio Books from your existing list.
The process of uploading these in bulk is very straightforward, and much like the initial upload for titles.
You can upload the ISBN13, Title, Sub-Title, Product Form etc as per usual, and the system which match the new product form to the existing title according to the title and subtitle.
So, in the below example, we are uploading a PDF version of the Ebook to an existing title, and assigning it an ISBN13.
Here, you can see that on upload, Stison merged this new product form into the existing title (ie it sits under the same content ID):
Whilst the system will merge additional forms to existing titles, there may be instances where this merge does not happen, essentially creating a new title rather than a new format of an existing title.
If this occurs, then you can easily merge the newly uploaded format into the existing title. Our guidance on this can be found here.
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