Royalty Statement Reports Follow
To access information on Royalty Statements, you can either view the statements through the Royalty Run, or you can use the Royalty Statement report generator under Royalties Reports in the left hand menu.
Accessing statements through the Royalty Run
There are two key reports that can be downloaded from the system that will allow you to review the data for each Royalty Run that you create in the system. These reports can be downloaded even if the Royalty Period has not yet been closed.
The two reports available are Summarised, which provides pay run information by Payee, and Detailed, which breaks down the information associated with each Payee by Title.
At this stage, you can also download Draft PDF versions of your statements.
Summary and Detailed reports
To access the summary and detailed reports, you will need to browse to the relevant Royalty Run by following the steps listed below.
1. Navigate to the Sales and Royalties Module from the menu on the left-hand side.
2. Select the Sub Menu item Royalties Reports
3. Select Pay Run.
(If you pay Royalties for some of your titles at different times, you will then be asked to select the appropriate configuration.)
You will then see a list of Royalty runs available to you as per the diagram below:
Click on the down arrow next to the word Statements in the Get Reports column, and the following will appear:
The first symbol will allow you to download the details from the summary statements in Excel format. The second does the same but for the detailed statements. The icon to the left of the two reports will allow you to change the output format. You can select either XSLX, CSV, or HTML.
Alternatively, if you open the statements by selecting the word Statements under the column Get Reports, you can download these reports from the following screen:
The report will automatically download to your machine once clicked and you will find it in the default download directory. Open from there and you can begin to review and manipulate the information.
Downloading draft statements
When a royalty period is in the 'checking' phase, you may wish to download PDF versions of your statements. To do so, you will first need to generate these PDF's.
In the Pay Run screen, when a period has been run, you will see the following symbol in the Get Reports column:
Selecting this button will start the generation of your draft PDF's. If you have a high number of statements, please allow some time for this generation to complete.
Once they have been generated, you can download these PDF's by selecting the down arrow next to the Statements button:
Selecting the PDF symbol on the far right will download these draft PDF's to your device. When the download is complete, you will see a notification in your Stison inbox:
Open up your inbox and select the statement download, and these draft PDF's will download to your device.
By default, each statement will download as an individual file (within a ZIP file). If you would like to download your statements as single, merged PDF, then you will need to do so from within the Statements screen.
- From the pay run, select Statements.
- Select the cog at the top of the screen
3. Select 'merged' rather than individual
4. Finally, from within this screen, select the download PDF's button
Generating Royalty Statement reports
Selecting Royalty Statement under Royalties Reports in the left hand menu will take you to the following page.
Here, you can view a summary of the statements available per Contributor and / or Book Title.
You must also select which Royalty Configuration you wish to see statements for.
You can also select a date range if applicable.
Alternatively, if you wish to view data on a specific statement, you may filter by Statement Number.
This report allows you to view either the Statements or the Remittance Advice against a contributor and / or book title, within a royalty period. The report will look similar to the example below:
By selecting the statement number in blue, you will be taken to that statement within the Pay Run record, and will be able to view more detail here.
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