The ISBN Tab Follow
This is where you will add all of the product numbers that define your product(s). There will be more than one tab in this screen if you have different formats for the same product (Go to the Forms Tab for more information).
Is this title: Tick on the relevant options below -
- Visible on the Web – This ensures the data will appear on your website if your Stison Title Management system feeds to it.
- Archived/ Deleted – You will need to use this when a title has already been submitted to the bibliographic agencies and then subsequently cancelled before publication date. Sending a title through to the agencies with this item ticked will ensure that they remove the title from their databases. These titles are thus not deleted from your system entirely; they are moved into an archived area. You can read more here about archived titles here.
- ONIX Distribution – This ensures the data will be included when ONIX feeds are generated from the system (manually or on a schedule). If this is not ticked, then the title will not go out in your feeds. Please note that you can view this item from the main Book List in
- Open Access - Select this box if the title is Open Access.
Record Reference*: This is the unique internal identifier for a product and is automatically added to the title record when you fill in the ISBN13.
ISBN: This refers to the 10-digit ISBN; a duplicated ISBN will be rejected by the system.
ISBN13*: This refers to the 13-digit ISBN; a duplicated ISBN13 will be rejected by the system.
EAN13: This is the same as the 13-digit ISBN; again, a duplicated EAN13 will be rejected by the system.
Universal Product Code: This is the cross-industry product numbering and bar-coding system administered in the USA by the Uniform Code Council. In the US book trade, this information is required for mass-market editions sold in supermarkets and other non-book-trade outlets.
Digital Object Identified (DOI): This is the international identifier for intellectual property in the digital environment. See for more information.
Click Update when you are finished.
Continue to the Publication tab, where you will add most of the title-specific information.
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