Adding Escalators and Influencers to a Royalty Rule Follow
Royalty rules can be multi faceted when you start to add escalators and influencers to the calculations. Please note that when we refer to influencers in the Royalties module, we are speaking about units (not values). So for instance, you have a title that earns escalated rates for Book Club sales based on units, but you also want the units from the Book Club Sales to influence Home sales in the future.
Here is an example of what we mean. We've made the following as simple as possible in order for this process to make the most sense. In this example you can see the following:
1) Book Club sales will influence Home Sales - at zero value but the units will be carried over.
2) Export Sales will influence Home Sales - at zero value but the units will be carried over.
With the above rules in mind, we can apply this to an example of sales. For instance, if we sold 100 units to a Book Club, then Home Sales would be increased by 100 units as well. So Home Sales would be 100 closer to the 1000 unit escalation set up against its own rule.
In order to establish this sort of influencer on your system, you need to go to the Options tab. This will be present once you've added a royalty rule (by clicking Update on your system). As shown below, it will open up a new set of sub tabs in which you can establish details about influencers. The first tab you will be put into is the Configuration tab, where you will determine how often the statements are generated.
Move into the second tab called Influence alternate break in order to establish the influencers. In the example below, we've added a rule that Special Sales units will influence the Home Sales break. As with any part of the Stison system, make sure you click Update to save your information.
Now the main General tab for the royalty rules against this particular title look like this, with the new item added in:
The easiest way to ensure that all editions and all formats of a book are escalated together, is to tick the Influence All box when creating your royalty rule:
Once you have finished adding information in the Options tab, you are ready to move over to the Payee tab.
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