Manipulating Production Roles Follow
All of the tasks established in your Default Schedule will appear within this tab. You will have already configured this information into your system by the time you are ready to start manipulating and using Book Production. However, for a refresher, please click here.
You can edit this by applying different schedules you previously set up; choose from the Apply Schedule drop-down menu on the right hand side of the screen:
Here you can also Edit All or Clear All the settings. Clicking on Edit All, a new window will pop up where you can edit your production schedule. This means that you are changing the schedule here but that your templates in Production Admin will stay as they were.
Click Update when you are finished.
You can modify your dependencies here by clicking on Modify dependencies:
In the example above, for instance, you can see that the in-house edit cannot begin until the proof reading stage above it has been completed. Again, this section of the system should be used ONLY if it benefits your organisation. The more information stored the better for future print runs and projects!
Click Update when you are finished.
Your Production label, Editor, Designer and Controller will be the same as you previously defined. All you need to do is select the person from the drop-down menus.
Add the first Start Date through the provided calendar. The Estimated End Date will automatically update with the information established in Production Tasks. You can change these dates manually if necessary. You can also work backwards - if you establish the End Date, the system will fill in the rest based on the schedule template allocated to this project.
N.B: you cannot edit the publication date from within Production - you will need to do so in Title Manager.
Assign each task to a member of your team by choosing names from the Assignee drop-down menus.
Actual End Date: when you complete a task, the actual end date will automatically be populated in this field. You can then take this information into account when establishing the dates for future production schedules.
Add Comments in the field provided as well as Form Comments.
By clicking on the notes symbol, a new pop up sub window will appear on your screen:
Select a Note type from the drop-down menu, which you already configured onto your system here, type in the note. When finished click on the Add tab.
If there is a Cost connected to the Task, you will see £ symbol next to it, clicking on it you can edit a cost:
Click the Add tab when finished or Update if you are editing the cost. Once you add a cost to a task, there will be a red notification sign placed against it.
If there are Outputs connected to the task, you will see this symbol: . Clicking on it, you can see the Outputs. You can delete outputs in here if necessary.
If there is a link to orders, there will be a small orders symbol next to a task. By clicking on it, a pop up sub window will appear:
Here you can click on Create New Orders and you will be taken to the Orders tab.
Click Update when you are finished with this page and you will be taken to the next tab where you can add information about your Print Runs.
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