Changing a Payee Follow
It is probable that during your use of Royalties Manager you will need to change the payee on a royalty contract due to any number of reasons. To do this follow these steps.
1. Navigate to Sales / Royalties and then to Royalties
2. Select the title that you wish to amend the Royalties, and click on the title and navigate to the Payee Screen (as image below).
3. If you want to change the percentage on the current Payee / Contributor setup first click on the Payee name and change the existing Split.
4. Following on from this you can click Create New and generate and additional Payee / Contributor link for the remaining portion.
5. If you want to change the payee completely then first you will need to Select the check box beside the line you wish to change and the click on Remove selected.
This will then bring up the following window:
6. If there is an amount that has not yet been paid to that Payee you will need to re-allocate the amount. You do this by clicking on the re-allocate button.
This brings up the following screen:
From here you can choose the new Payee and allocate the correct proportion of the money to them (this can be done multiple times for multiple payees).
In the example above, the new contributor (not yet selected) would be allocated 100% of Jay Gatsby's leftover balance, and moving forward, would receive 100% of Jay Gatsby's royalties. If you were creating a split payment with this re-allocation, you would need to reduce the 'Allocate %' field to the appropriate proportion for this new payee. Eg if you set it to 50%, they would receive 50% of the leftover balance, and 50% of the royalties going forwards. You would then need to do the same for the second payee.
7. If there is nothing to re-allocate then you can just create a Payee allocation.
Finally if you removed by mistake then there is the option to re-instate the old link.
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