Setting Up a Distributor Follow
A key aspect of your system is the information related to your distributors. Without this information, you will not be able to add a price to a title.
If you self distribute, please follow steps 1 and 2. You will then edit your organisation's configuration to ensure that the supplier check box is ticked, as well as publisher.
To set up a distributor, navigate to the Contacts section and complete the following steps:
- Select the Organisation Admin menu item.
- This will open up the Organisations window. Here you will see a list of all organisations that you deal with (initially it should just have the name of the company you signed up with).
- Select the Create New button at the top of the screen. This will open a new window.
- Select the Organisation Type check box labelled: Supplier.
- Next select the Show in... check box labelled: Title Manager.
- Add the name of your distributor in the Organisation Name field.
- Fill in any other information you wish to at this stage; you can edit this later on.
- Click on the Create button. Your distributor is now on your system. You can setup more information, though initially this might not be necessary. You can find out more details in Organisation Admin. You can repeat the process if you have multiple distributors.
Once you have created your distributor it is recommended that you set the role that the supplier has and also their default regions of supply. This can be done by navigating to Region of Operation Tab.
At the top of this screen you can set the supplier role. Underneath this are the regions of supply.
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