Territory Admin Follow
Territory Admin allows you to create customised collections of countries useful for your organisation (e.g Europe, North America). You can then pull these through in the Rights tab of a title record and elsewhere in the system. By default, there are a number of territories that are already configured in the system because they are specifically listed in the Onix standard.
To start working with custom territories, you need to navigate to the General menu section and then select Territory Admin.
You will see a list of any custom territories that you have created.
Creating a custom territory:
- Click on Create New.
- The following window will open for you to fill in some fields.
- Copy Existing? If you want to start from a territory that has previously been setup, click on Select and this will bring up a list of existing territories. Selecting one will automatically populate the countries, and then you can amend the list, adding or deleting as necessary.
- Name: Provide a short concise name for the territory.
- Show as Localisation: If you are using localisations for generation of descriptive texts, then you should check this box if you want this territory to appear in the Blurbs tab.
- Flag: If you want to use a flag to indicate the territory, then you can select one from this list.
- If the flag that you wish to add to this is not shown on the list, then please submit a request to the helpdesk using this link: New Flag Request.
- Code: It is advisable to provide a short code for the territory.
- Description: An area for you to provide a fuller description.
- Country: Choose the relevant countries by adding them in the drop-down menu.
- Click Create when you are finished.
Again, the information you've just added here will then become available in a drop-down menu under Territories in the Rights tab of an individual title record in your Title Management Module.
Editing a custom territory:
To edit a specific territory, click on it from the main list and you will return to all of the fields.
- The countries included in the territory are clearly listed in the grey bar towards the bottom of the screen.
- Adding and removing countries is achieved by selecting and deselecting them from the drop-down list.
- Click Update to save your changes.
Deleting a custom territory:
To delete a custom territory, select the territory from the main list, checking the box to the left of the name.
Then click on the red remove selected button.
Please note that if you try to remove a territory that is in use somewhere else in the system, you will get an error message stating Error Territory still in use by Book(s). You will need to clear all uses of the territory from the system before removing it.
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