Recording Rights Held Follow
This is the screen where you can fill in the details about the Rights for your proposed project:
First label the status of the rights as Provisional or Confirmed by clicking on the circle next to the correct status.
The next thing is to determine where the Rights are being Held. Click on the circle next to the correct status: World, All languages or Other. If you click on Other, new fields will appear that allow you to generate a custom country & territory configuration:
Choose the Territory from the drop-down menu. You can add another territory by clicking on the blue Add another territory. To exclude territories click on Exclude Territories:
To add a new custom territory to the list, go to General > Territory admin.
Choose permitted Countries from the drop-down menu. You can add another country by clicking on the blue Add another country. Choose Languages from the drop-down menu. You can add another Language by clicking on the blue Add another language.
If you with to create a contract in the rights module, then select the Rights Contract slider.
If this contract is the head contract, select the Head Contract slider.
When you are finished, click the Update tab. You can move onto the next tab to: add initial information about royalties.
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