Bulk Uploading Descriptive Text and Reviews Follow
This page is intended to provide specific detail on one particular type of upload. For our general guidance on the upload process, please see this page.
You may need to bulk upload data in your Blurbs tab, for instance review quotations for a list of titles because manually uploading so many at one time can be a bit time consuming.
When uploading descriptive text (any text that sits within the Blurbs tab), the upload will overwrite what is currently in the tab. For example, if you wish to make an edit to the main description, if you include ISBN, and a column titled 'Main Description', and insert the new description into the sheet, on upload this will remove the old description and replace it with the new one. It will not, however, affect any of the other descriptive fields held on this title.
An example of what this would look like in spreadsheet format is as following:
Bulk Uploading Reviews
This process is similar to bulk uploading data in general, but the columns need to be mapped very specifically.
Firstly, please note that reviews are stored in Title Manager - a particular title record - Blurbs tab. The below screen shot shows you where the review quotations live in the system.
The first thing you will want to do is create a file (.csv or .xls) for your bulk upload. Here is an example of how the data should appear in order to upload accurately:
Please note that you can upload up to 5 reviews onto your system in one bulk upload. You need to simply add further columns to your spreadsheet, adjusting the headings accordingly (Review 3, Review 3 Title, Review 3 Author, etc). For our example, we've only included 2.
When your spreadsheet is ready to go, navigate to the main Title Manager Booklist and click onto the bulk upload button as shown below:
The system will then prompt you to locate the spreadsheet from your computer. Click onto the item circled below: Choose File, ensuring the Input Type matches the file you will be uploading. In this case, we are looking for an Excel file.
Your computer will then bring the following screen up so you can find the file on your computer:
When you have found the appropriate file, click Open. The name of the item will appear in the Title File name field where you clicked initially, as shown here:
Click onto the blue Update button and the system will move to the mappings section where you will be able to map your columns against what the fields are called in the Stison system. Please note that most of the fields you will need are located under the heading Reviews, as shown here:
Here is how the mappings should look:
When you have mapped the columns to match your spreadsheet, click on the blue Process File button. The system will first check that you are ready - click OK on the pop up that appears:
When the system is done uploading the items, you will get the following message:
When the system has completed it's upload, go into one of the titles you uploaded reviews for to make sure all went up. Navigate to the Blurbs Tab - Descriptions and you should see something similar to the following:
Each review will be listed under the other as you move down the page.
Please note that the fields you uploaded will go into the system as follows:
Spreadsheet | Stison |
Review 1 | Text for the review |
Review 1 Name | Publication Name |
Review 1 Author | Reviewer Name |
You have now successfully uploaded your reviews.
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