Open Access Follow
There are multiple places within Stison that allow you to record Open Access information. This page will take you the Title Management and Editorial modules, and the Open Access data storage that they provide. Click here to skip to the Editorial section.
Title Management
The ISBN Tab
Marking the title as Open Access here adds these additional Onix pre-flight checks:
Titles with open access and not marked as free
Titles with open access and no open access statement
Titles with open access and no license statement
Titles with open access and no product website - expect a link to where the OA content can be found
Titles with open access and no additional publishers found - expect a funder or similar.
It will also ensure that the Open Access Statement provided in the Blurbs Tab will only be sent with the product formats that are marked as 'Open Access'.
If a title contains any Open Access content, this icon will be appear next to the product in the booklist:
You can also filter by Open Access status, using the Advanced Filters feature.
The Publisher Tab
The default publisher role is 01 (Publisher). You can add additional publishers with different roles, on the publisher tab within Title Management. Click on the down arrow to the right of "publisher".
That will open a set of fields where you can add, for instance, a publication funder, co-publisher, research funder, etc.
On this tab you can also include a link to the Open Access content under Product Websites. Simply choose the Link Type from the drop-down list, include the hyperlink and a short description.
The Price Tab
Open Access content should be set as 'unpriced' in the Price Tab. To do so, select 'Unpriced?' at the bottom right hand of the Supplier area:
When you select Unpriced, the 'Unpriced Item Type' field will appear, where you can select 'Free of charge'.
The Rights Tab
You can record a titles Open Access License ( in Rights --> Ebook Restrictions --> Product form.
Enter the License Name, the Type, and provide a Link.
The Blurbs Tab
Here, you can include an 'Open Access Statement'. Simply select 'Add another text field set' and select 'Open Access Statement' from the Text Type drop down list.
Remember, if you have indicated in the ISBN tab that only certain formats are Open Access, then this statement will only be sent with the metadata for that specific format.
The Title Tab
When working on a title in the Editorial module, you can detail the open access content within your title, from within the Title tab.
Firstly, you can indicate, on a product form level, whether content is Open Access:
When a title in Editorial contains any Open Access content, this title will be marked with a yellow open lock symbol in the booklist:
You can also filer titles in Editorial by Open Access status, using the Advanced Filters feature.
Secondly, you can include Open Access License details:
When you select 'create open access details', the following pop up will appear, which you can then populate.
The Sales Forecasts Tab
Under Sales Forecasts --> Grants, you can store information on Grants / Funding you or your authors have acquired:
Make sure to set the funding type to Open Access. You'll notice that this can be used to Grants that have been awarded, and those that are still undergoing the application process. It can be useful to track unsuccessful Grant applications in here for future reference. This information will only show in your P&L if you select 'Show in P&L'.
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