Rights Options Follow
The Rights Options section is a space to record meetings or presentations made to companies and professionals. It is both a record of which titles were discussed and a follow up list to remind you of tasks to be completed such as: send PDF, send copy, send contract, etc.
Main Rights Options Screen:
Select Rights --> Rights Options to view the main overview screen with the list of the titles you've already presented.
Here you can search your options via the search box or you can apply Advanced Filters.
You can also download your Options list by clicking on the Download button. The symbol before it enables you to determine a specific format.
Creating New Rights Options:
To add new options, click on Create New and you will be taken to this screen:
General Tab:
- In the Company field enter the organisation you have presented your titles to.
- Enter the Primary Contact.
- Select Country and Language from the drop-down menus.
- Source / Show - if the source has not been entered on the system already, you can add it by clicking on the blue [new], circled in the image above in red. You can then manually type in the new source/show.
- There is a space to enter Comments.
- Select the date when the titles were Presented On.
The second half of this tab lists all of the Titles you presented in the meeting.
- Click onto the magnifier icon and you can find the relevant title(s) from your book list.
- Notes - Add specific notes to make follow-up easier.
- Type - These appear in a drop-down menu here, but are added to the system through Rights --> Descriptions.
- Send? - If there are items to send after the meeting, tick Y. You can then determine if you need to send a PDF, Book or AI.
- [Sent and Chase Dates] - By clicking on this item in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen, further fields will come up. We've circled the new fields above in red.
When you click the Create button, you've successfully added the information to the system. When you go back into the item, you'll notice some new buttons have become available, as circled below.
- Clicking on blue thumbs down symbol will turn the thumb red, denoting that the title was not accepted.
- Clicking on the green thumb up symbol will prompt the system to give you the following message:
If you click OK, you will be taken to the the screen where you can add a rights contract. Otherwise, hit Cancel.
- Add an Agent click on the Agent to send box if correct.
When you are finished, click on the Create button and your new Rights Options will be on your list.
Books Tab:
Clicking on the Books tab, will take you to a different view of the same data you entered in the General tab.
ie: This book was presented to these people/agents/publishers. The standard view is: I presented this list of books to this contact.
Rights Options Report:
As you can see in the image above, you can search by Agent, Book, Organisation and Source. In the image below, we've shown you what the report looks like when you base it on Book:
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