Step-By-Step Guide to Using Editorial Follow
This article will assume that you are adding your first title to Editorial. There are infinite ways to use this module; we will show you some of the possibilities. Please note that for demonstration purposes, we have not added a workflow to this example. There is further information available for adding workflows.
Adding an Idea to Editorial:
Adding Contacts Associated with an Idea:
The Related Tab:
Adding a Sales Forecast:
Costing a Possible Project:
Reviewing the Estimated Profit & Loss for a Project:
Adding Editorial Tasks to your Project:
This area is designed to be a list of dates for tasks that need to be completed before a book can progress to its production stage. These tasks do not have staff assigned to them, but are rather things that need to be done. Here is an example of what could appear here:
Manipulating the Editorial Schedule Tab:
Recording the Sales Rights:
Adding Royalties Information:
Creating a Predicted Production Schedule:
Move a Title from Editorial to Production:
After you 'move' a title from Editorial to Production, the record will remain in Editorial simultaneously. This is because this part of the system has been created to store and record information that you may need to access very far down the track.
Archive the title to remove it from the list view.
Applying Tags
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