Moving a Title From Editorial To Book Production Follow
The Outputs tab within an Editorial record is where you begin to shift the project from a concept to an actual title (or titles) on your forward publishing/production plan (including reprints). A concept may create one format, or several formats. You can use this screen to link the concept to the different formats and ISBNs that you need to be created.
When you save the outputs, the new titles will be added to production. In fact, this is how they enter the Book Production portion of Production Manager.
Clicking on the Outputs tab, a new screen will show up:
1.You can now assign this Project to a Work. Work's aggregate different titles that are derived from the same work. If this project is associated with an existing Work, you can use the magnifying glass to search for a work to link it to. Or if it is a new work, select the box Create Work and a work with the same name as the title will be created. In other words, the title will then appear in your Title Management System, similarly to the below image, as well as your List of Works:
NB: this work will only be created if 'Create in Title Management' is selected (more on this later).
This is also the moment to give your book the Final Title and Final Sub-title, set the date for the Target Publishing Date and choose from the drop down menu Edition of the book.
2. Enter a Production label. It's up to you what you name this, bearing in mind that it will then be used to differentiate between subsequent printings for a title. An example label might be First Print Run or Initial.
3. Add a number for the Project Sequence. In the example above, the number is 1, which will automatically populate. You can edit it if necessary (ie, if this is the second print run).
4. Select Update and these fields will disappear. You have now finalised the information stored on this project.
You can now create products, namely a title management record (where one does not already exist) and a print run (where this is necessary).
6. In the Products sub tab, you are able to either link this project to an existing product or create a new product in Title Management.
If the output is linked to an existing title, click on the field Linked to and select the title that your title is linked to from within your Title Manager system, eg: you are performing a stop go analysis on a reprint, so you want to link the re-print to the original product.
For new products, select the box Create in Title Management to make your title visible in Title Management.
Choose Form & Product Form Detail (if required) from the drop-down menus, and add any Additional Description in the blank field. If your product is an E-book, choose from the drop down menu Epub Type
Where a print run is required, select the box Create Print Run to create a print run for the format within Book Production. Obviously, for ebooks, a print run will not be required.
NB: for a project to appear in List of Works, or Book Production (as a full record), there must be an existing corresponding record in Title Management. Therefore, you must either link this project to an existing Title Management record, or select 'Create in Title Management'.
6. Under the Component sub tab, you can add information about components of your proposal, for example if your proposal is a teachers pack with a box, calendar, work book, etc. Just fill in details about the components in the blank fields:
7. When you are finished linking products / selecting which products to create, and adding components, select Update. This will create a new Create Products Now button, which will appear above the 'Products' and 'Components' sub-tabs, as shown below. Click this button and your title will now be visible within the Book Production section of the Production Module (if you have selected create print run), and in Title Management. This is because your concept has now become a confirmed printing project.
When you are finished, click the Update button and the record will be saved. You are now ready to start working on the project within Book Production.
Further information is available regarding how to set up your Book Production module here.
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