Generating Draft PDF Statements for Open Royalty Periods
Sales / Royalties --> Royalties Reports --> Pay Run
Previously, when you ran your royalty period, and were in the process of checking the details before closing the period, it was only possible to export the statement information in CSV format. Whilst you could view the statements themselves online, it was not possible to download them until the period had been closed.
We have created the ability to generate PDF's of your draft statements, to better reflect the ways in which our users like to check their statements. These draft statements are watermarked, and as such clearly distinct from any final versions:
In the Pay Run screen, when a period has been run, you will see the following symbol in the Get Reports column:
Selecting this button will start the generation of your draft PDF's. If you have a high number of statements, please allow some time for this generation to complete.
Once they have been generated, you can download these PDF's by selecting the down arrow next to the Statements button:
Selecting the PDF symbol on the far right will download these draft PDF's to your device. When the download is complete, you will see a notification in your Stison inbox:
Open up your inbox and select the statement download, and these draft PDF's will download to your device.
By default, each statement will download as an individual file (within a ZIP file). If you would like to download your statements as single, merged PDF, then you will need to do so from within the Statements screen.
- From the pay run, select Statements.
- Select the cog at the top of the screen
3. Select 'merged' rather than individual
4. Finally, from within this screen, select the download PDF's button
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