Stock Quantity Code Name and Value - drop down options
Some suppliers, or data aggregators, require you to send Stock Quantity Codes. Or, in the case of Ingram, they require you to send specific codes that reflect whether the title is POD or not. Quite often, sending this information via Onix results in an error, due to a space being added at the end of the code. To reduce the room for human error, we have made this field into a drop down-list.
When you first enter a code, it will be a free text field:
Once you have done so, and selected update, this code will then be available from a drop down list. Therefore, you only need to enter the code manually (and correctly) once, and from then onwards that code is available in the drop down menu. To enter a new code, select the 'edit' symbol to the right of the field, and the free text field will appear. Any codes added this way will be added to the list available.
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