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Frequently Asked Questions
Some FAQ's to help you with the system
Title Manager
Title Manager stores all of your bibliographic data in one place for easy access and efficient distribution of inform...
Rights Manager
Rights Manager enables you to manage all of the rights details on a work, on content or on a title. You can track rev...
Royalty Manager
Help documents to configure your royalties module, to upload sales data, generate pay runs and manage statements. ...
Production Manager
Help documents to help you configure and use your pre-production and production managers. If you are using Produc...
Editorial Manager
Managing the workflow from concept through to production. If you are using Editorial for the first time, please se...
General Admin
Configure your organisation onto your Stison Title Manager system. Add your organisation and distributor details and ...
Bibliographic Data Feeds
Help documents for managing ONIX distribution, and working with bibliographic data aggregators to test and receive yo...
Generate reports from your Stison system.
Web Manager
Documentation to create an e-commerce website allowing you to sell your books direct to the public.
E-Book Manager
Our ebook manager uses ACS to provide DRM to your eBooks. You will need an Adobe ID and a relevant eBook Reader to re...
Getting Started With Stison
Are you new to your Stison modules? Follow these easy, step-by-step guides to configuring and using your Title Manage...
Help documents that bring together our most commonly asked questions for each module.
Training Sessions
Stison holds regular Training Sessions to offer guidance to Users on using the system. This section of Stison Central...