Setting up Editorial Workflows Follow
Editorial workflows is a feature that you may want to use, particularly if your organisation is large, with several colleagues accessing information. This is a way to limit what statuses are available as the next point in the editorial process. Editorial workflows also allow the publisher to limit who can change the status of a project.
By selecting Editorial Workflow from the Editorial Admin menu, you will be taken to a new screen where you will be able to see a list of your workflows once configured:
These workflows, which will help you to organise, delegate and monitor your project with more efficiency, will then pop up on the screen for you to select when setting up a new title in Editorial:
1. To create a new Editorial Workflow, click on Create New and you will be taken to this screen:
2. Give a name to your workflow in the Workflow Name field, for example New Title, Reprint etc. Select a Status from the drop-down menu, which was populated with statuses that you already set up in either Editorial Status or Prod. Status.
3. Select the tabs you wish to see back when you access this title in Editorial, for example if you chose 3 tabs, only 3 will be visible, as shown below in the red box:
4. Back in the Editorial Workflow screen, you will then need to select Allowed Next Status to choose the next status labels that will be available. Please note that you can add more than one here.
5. If applicable, set up the workflow to notify people within your organisation.
6. Edit the groups that you wish to have access to making changes to the status of titles under this workflow.
Here is an example of a created workflow under the label: New Title. In order to illustrate this in an easy to understand way, we've only added 1 status into this Workflow. Please note that you will probably add many more than this.
In the example above, you can see that if a title in Editorial is labelled as being in Draft status (and it's had the New Title Workflow applied to it), there will be 5 available tabs against it. In this example, the tabs are:
For this example, there are 4 further available status options that a user can change this Draft status to:
Also in this example, it would appear that only members of the Sales, Editorial and Design groups will have access to making changes to the status of a title under the New Title workflow.
When you are finished adding all of the relevant items for your status, then click the Create button and it will appear both in the main menu of Workflows and also when you create a new idea in Editorial, as reflected in the following screen shots:
Once you've completed setting up your workflows (should you require them), you are ready to move onto the next step: adding a new record.
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