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Subject codes ordering




  • Official comment
    Sophie Amos

    Hello Saffron Saunderson,

    Thank you for submitting this Feature Request. The team have taken a look and have put in place a feature which will sort the subjects on download (via a query) by their sequence, rather than alphabetically. Essentially, they will read in order of Parent -> Child and so on.This will also apply to themes.

    The below screenshot shows an example of how the data will display in the query:

    Here, you can see how these subjects are applied to the title:

    This sequencing will apply on all queries except those that are filtered by subject / theme.

    This feature will be released within the next working week, and I will update this page when this happens.

    Best wishes,


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    Saffron Saunderson

    Hi Sophie, 

    Thank you, that is great news that we will be able to export in order of parent codes.

    However, please can you clarify this part 'This sequencing will apply on all queries except those that are filtered by subject / theme.'? We're thinking about how we will be using the queries and there are times we would want to filter by subject, rather than exporting the full list. For instance, a rep may need to query the crochet titles only and so it would be beneficial for them to be exported in the parent/child order. Can this be put in place?



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    Sophie Amos

    Hi Saffron Saunderson,

    The team have taken a look at this, and the parent --> child ordering is now exporting as it should be when you generate a query, including when there is a filter applied. Top tip - if you specify eg 3 columns against the output field Subject - name, then the subjects will download into separated columns, rather than all in one. This should make manipulation of your excel spreadsheets even easier!

    All the best,


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