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Send updates quarterly




  • Official comment
    Sophie Amos

    Hi Sylvia Pegg,

    The team are currently looking at the feasibility of including this feature, and in the meantime it'd be great if we could have some more detail.

    The difficulty with receiving updates quarterly is that there may be a significant lag between updates to your metadata, and those updates being reflected by those receiving updates quarterly. Can we ask why they wish to receive them so infrequently?

    Many thanks,


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    Sylvia Pegg

    Hi Sophie,

    There are a few different reasons:

    • where recipients are processing data manually and would prefer to receive fewer larger files than multiple small ones
    • where only a small number of data fields that don't generally change are used by the recipient
    • where titles are only added to their catalogue infrequently (e.g. annually or less often)
    • where recipients get incremental feeds daily but would like a full feed occasionally

    Hope that helps,



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    Sophie Amos

    Hi Sylvia Pegg,

    The team have taken a look at the development required for this request, and due to the time that it would require, it is not something that we are able to prioritise currently.

    To make this a priority, we would need to attach a cost of £450 to account for the time spent by our developers.

    Do let me know if you would like to proceed with this cost.

    Best wishes,


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    Sylvia Pegg

    Hi Sophie,

    Thanks for the update. We agree that there are more urgent things to prioritise at the moment - happy to revisit this later down the line.

    Best wishes,

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